Type 1 Tough – A Personal Story of Perspective

It has taken several weeks for me to work up the courage to write this post. This is a very personal post, and it somehow seems fitting that as we celebrate all of our Type 1 Tough Athletes with such vigor – we also do something to raise awareness. And that we do so with honesty, revealing the very personal, very hard, very heartbreaking, extremely stressful aspects of this autoimmune disease as it feels to those of us living through it.

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Are You a Good Team Mate? | Softball is For Girls

Good news is there is always time to make a change! As adults, we need to help our kids realize that beyond toddlerhood the world does not revolve around them and them alone! And as players, we need to pass on not just the responsibility but the EXPECTATION that our kids become good team mates. 

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The Softball ATHLETE | Softball is For Girls

We are missing the mark a bit when it comes to our youth athletes. Actually, we are missing it a lot.  One of the most important aspects of our children participating in sports is keeping them active. We all know that exercise is important for the body and mind. Recreation programs have the number one…

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Take the Gravel & The Shell | A message to Coaches

Check yourself often. Check your intentions. Check your motivation. Check your ego. It’s easy to get caught up in the glory of softball. Every town has ‘softball heroes’ and ‘legends’ but they don’t always make the best coaches. We all know coaches who seem to think it’s all about them. So most importantly, remember always that THIS COACHING GIG is not ABOUT YOU. It never was. Stay honest. True to your mission and goals as a team. 

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Fundraising for Your Softball Team

Team fundraising! When we recently updated our business model, we kept team fundraising in mind. Today, we launch our new SIFG fundraiser – in the hopes that it will add value (and money) to your fundraising efforts!

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Tips For Coaching a Type 1 Athlete | Softball is For Girls

Most importantly…count your blessings. These kids have grit. And they are tough as nails. And they are accustomed to fighting every day of their life, and they will fight for you and your team. They aren’t easily hindered, or quickly defeated. Most of them will whine and complain far less than the kids facing no real problems in life. When they are playing sports and following their dreams, they are grateful and in their happy place! And when they are on YOUR team, you know that you have a warrior on your side. 

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Get Out of Your Child’s Way?? | Softball is For Girls

Sport parents. They get a bad name. It seems every time we turn around we are given lessons, and advice and warnings about how we should and should not conduct ourselves when it comes to our kids. “Let them figure it ALL out on their own,” they say.  “Leave them alone,” they cry.  “Don’t get…

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